Teeth Cleaning

What is Periodontal Disease?

“Periodontal” refers to “the tissues around the teeth”.

That is, the tissues that support the tooth to stay in the alveolar bone, including: the gums (fleshperiodontal ligaments (the fibers that attach the root to the alveolar bone) the alveolar bone, and cementum (the calcified tissue that covers the surface of the tooth root and allows the periodontal ligament to attach to itRegular examination and scaling can effectively avoid related dental diseases, otherwise if the condition deteriorates to the point where deep teeth cleaning is required, the cost of tooth cleaning will be higher for a long time. Fortunately, there are many options for teeth cleaning in Hong Kong, which ensures that patients can easily make an appointment for teeth cleaning to prevent problems before they occur.

Causes of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is caused by dental plaque that adheres to the surface of the teeth. If you don’t have good oral hygiene and don’t clean your teeth regularly, dental plaque can accumulate on the gum for a long time.

The bacteria in the dental plaque secrete toxins that irritate the tissues around the teeth, such as the gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, causing periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease symptoms

Periodontal disease prevention and treatment

Since periodontal disease is caused by bacteria, the correct prevention method is to remove the bacteria, take proper care of your teeth, have regular check-ups and cleanings, and the doctor will use the recommended equipment for scaling to clean your teeth during treatment.

Proper care of teeth = brushing + flossing

Because dental plaque tends to accumulate( in the sulcus at the edge of the gum (pulp) the toothbrush should be placed diagonally on the edge when brushing.

In addition, dental floss is also necessary because some bacteria are in a position that cannot be reached by the toothbrush, and the dentist should use the equipment recommended for scaling to clean it thoroughly.

The treatment of periodontal disease is step by step, generally starting from simple oral education and scaling, if the situation is complicated, there is a chance for the need of  deep scaling or even periodontal surgery, the scaling price will be much higher.

Therefore, it is generally recommended that you make regular dental cleaning appointments to ensure periodontal health. There are many options for teeth cleaning in Hong Kong, and patients can have their teeth cleaned regularly to ensure that their teeth are in good condition.

The relationship between oral health and general health

When the bacterial infection spreads through the apex of the tooth and causes deeper decay, it will cause inflammation of the pulp cavity, acute periapical inflammation, alveolar abscess, and if the patient’s health is not good and the immunity is low, it is easy to form cellulitis, which threatens the safety of life. /b10> Patients with systemic diseases such as leukemia, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., can also get a glimpse of their condition through scaling, such as bleeding that is not easy to coagulate or periodontal ulcers that are difficult to control.

Diseases and infections in the oral cavity have been reported in many studies to be closely related to endocarditis, arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, premature birth after pregnancy, etc.

In addition, the latest research has also shown that patients with long-term periodontal disease are relatively difficult to control their diabetes, so regular check-ups and scaling appointments are not just for the teeth.

Fortunately, there are also many options for teeth cleaning in Hong Kong, ensuring that patients can easily make an appointment for teeth cleaning to ensure that their bodies and teeth are also healthy.

The scientific name of teeth cleaning is scaling.

There are tiny grooves between our teeth and gums, called “gingival sulcus”.

The “gingival sulcus” is difficult to clean and easy to accumulate dental fungus, and the long-term accumulation of bacteria has been reacting with the saliva in the mouth to form tartar, which will cause more dental bacteria to accumulate and increase the risk of periodontal disease. If left unchecked, the condition will deteriorate to the point where deep scaling is required, which will not only take longer and the whole procedure will be more arduous, but also the cost will be higher.

The principle of scaling is actually very simple, and the practice of scaling in Hong Kong is similar to that in other parts of the world, dentists will use the recommended ultrasound equipment for treatment, the tartar and stains on the surface of the teeth will be broken and washed off, and the scaling can remove the tartar attached to the tooth surface and gums, so that the teeth can be cleaned. We recommend that you make regular scaling appointments to ensure periodontal health.

That being said, if you don’t have a good brushing habit and don’t floss, a lot of bacteria will accumulate on the surface of your teeth over time, and if you don’t clean your teeth regularly, the bacteria will inflame your gums, bones, etc. If the above symptoms are too severe and we have assessed that ordinary scaling cannot solve the problem, even if the cost will be higher than that of general treatment, we need to recommend you to have a deep scaling.

Deep scaling is a non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease, also known as root planning, which is a type of periodontal treatment, and the scaling price will be higher. Similarly, the practice of deep scaling in Hong Kong is the same as in other parts of the world, and in general, the deep scaling treatment is mainly divided into two parts, first to remove tartar and then to remove infected tooth tissue.

One of the first steps is to use the equipment recommended for scaling to remove the deep tartar, because the deep tartar is low and often accompanied by inflamed gums, the doctor will administer local anesthesia before the procedure.

Make sure that the whole process of deep teeth cleaning is pain-free. For the second part, the doctor will use the equipment to scrape the fungus attached to the root surface and the infected root surface to restore the root surface to be clean and smooth, and ensure that the periodontal tissue is able to heal.

The entire deep scaling process is performed under local anesthesia, so it will not cause pain even when the doctor uses the recommended scaling instrument to penetrate deep into the gums. Similarly, when more complex treatments are involved, the cost will be higher, so we recommend regular appointments to prevent problems before they occur. Generally speaking, you may experience tooth sensitivity, gum soreness, and gum swelling a few weeks after deep scaling, and since deep scaling is a relatively more invasive treatment, we will also provide you with recommended anti-inflammatory medications for deep scaling, and the scaling cost includes the related medications.


The enamel on the teeth is actually the hardest and most calcified tissue in the human body. Scaling is still the mainstream practice in Hong Kong, and doctors will use the equipment to remove the tartar from the teeth, so that the scaling will not cause damage to the enamel and there is no need to worry about the damage to the tooth tissue.

During scaling, the red and swollen gums will be irritated, and the recommended scaling equipment will use high-frequency vibration to shake away the tartar, and the water jet will hit the inflamed tooth flesh, causing the gums to bleed and bleed. The inflamed gums will gradually become swollen and the bleeding will naturally improve after scaling.

The gap between the teeth is actually formed due to periodontal disease, but the tartar accumulates between the teeth so that the patient is not aware of it. The tartar is removed during scaling, and after scaling, the original tartar is gone, and the position occupied by the calculus is empty, giving the illusion that the gap between the teeth is getting bigger.

In general, the interval recommended by our doctor is about nine months to one year. However, this also depends on the situation, and some patients may need more frequent cleanings. For patients with periodontal disease, the recommended interval between teeth cleaning may be as short as 3 months to 6 months. The ideal spacing for teeth cleaning in Hong Kong is also close to that of most parts of the world.

When scaling removes tartar, exposure of the root that were originally surrounded by tartar can cause transient sensitive teeth.

Generally speaking, it will improve after scaling and cleaning your mouth to allow your teeth to get used to it.

Our cleaning fee is $550. The basic dental check-up is included in the cost of our cleaning. In addition, our cleaning fee includes a doctor’s cleaning and examination, so there is no need to specify that it will be performed by a doctor.

It should be noted that if your periodontal disease is more severe and requires deep scaling, the scaling cost will vary depending on the severity and spread of the periodontal disease.

As the price of deep scaling will vary depending on the condition of periodontal disease in each person, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the price of deep scaling before making a decision. Of course, you are also welcome to call 2602-8130 to inquire about the scaling price.

After scaling, you can eat normally and have no impact on your daily life, but you should ensure that you are cleaning them well afterwards.

Absolutely not, on the contrary, patients with severe periodontal disease have problems such as gum recession and alveolar bone resorption due to excessive tartar accumulation, resulting in periodontal inflammation, which can lead to loose teeth. After scaling, periodontal patients may have a feeling of loose teeth, but the root cause is periodontal disease. When the gum problem improves, the feeling of loose teeth will gradually decrease.

As long as the oral hygiene is not too bad, the teeth cleaning is generally not too painful. However, some people may experience pain during teeth cleaning, which may be due to the patient’s own dental problems, such as excessive tartar caused by the patient’s lack of teeth cleaning for many years, resulting in redness, swelling and inflammation of the gum, or the patient’s own sensitive teeth, which may cause pain after cleaning.

The process is relatively simple, patients can visit our clinic in person to make an appointment, and they are also welcome to call us at 2602-8130 to make an appointment.