Oriens Dental and Implant Centre

Oriens Dental & Implant Centre

Our services include:


The team of doctors at Oriens Dental & Implant Centre are all graduates of the University of Hong Kong, with many years of clinical experience and a passion for dental services, providing all-rounded dental services. The team includes specialists to ensure that the patient’s needs are taken care of. Doctors who graduated from the University of Hong Kong will also visit Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic to ensure that patients can receive treatment at a convenient location and choose between Tsim Sha Tsui or Wan Chai.


— 關頌偉醫生


Our clinic is located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai, whether it is Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic or Wan Chai Dental Clinic, being directly accessible by MTR. Among them, the Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic has a on-site car park for the convenience of motorists. Wan Chai Dental Clinic is also close to the MTR station.

Whether it is Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic or Wan Chai Dental Clinic, it also provides a full range of worry-free and comfortable dental care.

- ORIENS Dental and Implant Centre -

Oriens Dental & Implant Centre

15 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, H Zentre 106
Monday to Saturday
10 a.m. to 7 p.m

- ORIENS Dental and Implant Centre -

Oriens Dental & Implant Centre - Wan Chai Clinic

Block B, 5/F, Golden Hill Commercial Building, 209-211 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Monday to Saturday
10 a.m. to 7 p.m


At Oriens Dental & Implant Centre, we pay attention to communication and your rights to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your situation and the advantages of different options before making a choice. Whether you are at Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic or Wan Chai Dental Clinic, we will explain your situation in detail in various ways, provide different options and explain the pros and cons of each option, you do not necessarily need to choose the plan recommended by the dentist, here at Oriens Dental & Implant Centre, all the decisions are up to you.

At the same time, we focus on quality rather than quantity, and the treatment is carried out in the most relaxed and comfortable conditions, reducing the worry, tension and discomfort of the dentist, and allowing you to perform a variety of dentist recommended treatments in a relaxed and comfortable state.

Our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic are also equipped with advanced equipment and technology, such as the dentist-recommended CT scan (CT scan), which provides you with a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan than traditional 2D X-rays.

To ensure clear and accurate communication, we are committed to using a variety of different methods to explain the benefits and disadvantages of different treatments, and in the era of rapid technological change, our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic have also incorporated a variety of different technologies to ensure that patients clearly understand the treatment options, such as all dental implants or braces treatments.

We are equipped with 3D  computer simulations to enable patients to clearly understand the results of treatment, communicate with them accurately, and ensure the quality of the results, unlike the traditional one, which can only be passed on by word of mouth.

Oriens Dental & Implant Centre was established in Wan Chai to provide dental services in Wan Chai, hoping to make it easy for patients in Wan Chai and Hong Kong to find a dentist in Wan Chai. In view of the ideal development of dentistry in Wan Chai and the need for patients from different districts to travel long distances to find dentists in Wan Chai,

In particular, in view of the strong demand for dental services in Tsim Sha Tsui, Oriens Dental & Implant Centre decided to step out of the comfort zone and not only provide dental services in Wan Chai as a dentist in Wan Chai, but also established Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Centre across Victoria Harbour to provide dental services in Tsim Sha Tsui

To ensure that patients in different districts can also have easier access to dental services, whether it is Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Services or Wan Chai Dental Services.

The newly established Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Centre implements our philosophy and incorporates a variety of state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the provision of suitable and affordable dental services in Tsim Sha Tsui.

As a dentist in Wan Chai and Tsim Sha Tsui Dentist, our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Centre has also been fully operational, providing Tsim Sha Tsui dental services to patients in Hong Kong with the same quality of service as Wan Chai Dental and the same fees as Wan Chai Dental Centre.

Medical plan

As we have become an approved service provider under the Health Care Voucher Scheme and the Community Care Fund, we believe that all people should have equal opportunities to receive dental treatment recommended by dentists, and we hope that all patients in need can also receive the services they need. At the same time, it ensures that the elderly can also use the medical certificate to perform various dental treatments recommended by the dentist without worrying about the burden.

Health Care Voucher

According to the law, everyelderly person aged 65 or above holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card can enjoy a health care voucher supported by the Government at HK$2,500 ($1 per voucher) per year (Elderly persons aged 65 or above with a valid Hong Kong Identity Card) can enjoy a health care voucher supported by the Government at HK$2,500 ($1 per voucher) per year(1). (From 2017 onwards) – No pre-registration is required, and the voucher can be used to pay for medical check-ups / spectacles at merchants with health care voucher labels with identity cards , where health care vouchers cannot be transferred, shared or sold.

There is a maximum cumulative amount of vouchers, the maximum cumulative amount of vouchers is HK$8,000, elderly people can check the existing voucher amount on the voucher website, and service users can also log in to the voucher website to deduct the voucher payment amount. Health care vouchers can be deducted directly for the cost of dental treatment and the treatment recommended by different dentists.

At the same time, for the convenience of the elderly, our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic can also open an account and check the balance on behalf of the elderly in real time to ensure that they can use it with confidence.

Community Care Fund

The Community Care Fund Elderly Dental Service Subsidy Programme is being extended to all OALA recipients in phases, with the first phase covering the elderly aged 80 or above. Eligible elderly persons can receive free removable dentures and other related dental services.

Among them, the subsidised services include removable dentures and other dental services recommended by relevant dentists (including oral examination, scaling, filling, tooth extraction and X-ray examination, etc.).)


aged 65 years or above ;

Have been receiving the “High Living Allowance for the Elderly” for the last three consecutive months;

Elderly Dental Services subsidised by the Community Care Fund and the Elderly Dental Outreach Service Programme of the Department of Health;

Recommended by participating NGOs and dentists to assess the need and suitability for removable dentures and other related dental services in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Hong Kong Dental Association.

For the convenience of the elderly who benefit from the CCF, our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic can also provide Community Care Fund related services.


Clinic Policies

Our Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic and Wan Chai Dental Clinic adhere to a consistent patient-first clinic policy.

The patient's right to know

Patients have the right to be informed. Patients can consult their dentist about their medical conditions, such as what diseases they have, what tests are needed, how they should be treated (e.g. medication or surgery) and the effectiveness of treatment.

Patients can also know the cost of the services recommended by the dentist. If necessary, patients can inquire about the charges in advance, such as the cost of treatment, consultation fee, X-ray, medication recommended by our dentists in Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui, and the estimate of the cost of surgery after diagnosis. We will quote in advance in case of misunderstanding.

Chaperone Policy

Refers to the presence of an additional ), nursing staff (mainly a woman) as a ‘witness’ when a medical or nursing examination involves sensitive or awkward circumstances (e.g. when a male doctor is alone with a female patient in a confined space in a dental clinic).


Sure. As a matter of fact, dental problems are often chronic, which means that even if there is a problem initially, it will not cause obvious symptoms, or occasional symptoms, if we ignore the relevant symptoms, it will have a chance to worsen when the disease progresses to the later stage, and the diseases that can be solved simply require complex treatment at any time, so our dentists in Wan Chai recommend regular check-ups.
Every patient’s situation is different, general dentists, including our dentist in Wan Chai, recommend an oral check-up every six months to a year, where people who are at higher risk of tooth decay or periodontal disease may need more frequent check-ups, our dentist in Wan Chai recommends discussing how often you should see a dentist after the check-up.
General dentists, including our dentists in Tsim Sha Tsui, recommend not to undergo non-emergency treatment from the first trimester and seventh month of pregnancy to ensure safety. In most cases, dentists, including our dentist in Tsim Sha Tsui, recommend a detailed check-up and other non-urgent treatment before pregnancy.
The amount of X-ray radiation in the dentist’s clinic is actually not high, based on a flat full-mouth X-ray used in our Tsim Sha Tsui Dentist Clinic or Wan Chai Dentist Clinic, the radiation dose is about 5 to 25 microSv. This is much lower than the average of 2400 microSv per capita per year. So the X-rays recommended by dentists, including our dentists in Tsim Sha Tsui, actually have little effect on the body.
For the convenience of patients in Kowloon and the New Territories, we have opened a new Tsim Sha Tsui Dental Clinic outside of Wan Chai Dental Clinic to ensure that patients from different districts can visit the nearest dental clinic to ensure that the needs of Tsim Sha Tsui Dental and Wan Chai Dental can also be catered for.